
A proof is semantically correct if each proof obligation is correct – meaning that the assertion follows from the usable facts. Thus, the following could be a semantically correct proof:

However, we would not expect any computer program to check its correctness. For most mechanical theorem provers, a proof is checkable if the current version of the prover will verify the proof. A TLA+ proof is checkable if each of its obligations is checkable. Since the language is independent of any prover, there can be no precise definition of what constitutes a checkable obligation. In practice, a proof step is checkable if there is some backend verifier that accepts it. You should resist tailoring your proof to particular backends because your proofs will then become unmaintainable as TLAPS evolves. Instead, if a backend verifier does not accept a leaf proof, you should try to simplify the reasoning further using a new level of proof. Eventually, your proof will produce obligations of sufficiently low complexity that they will likely continue to be accepted by future versions of TLAPS.

That being said, there are some cases in which you may want to bypass the default behavior of TLAPS. You may want to give a longer timeout to the default backend provers. Or you may want to call particular specialized backend verifiers that perform better than general purpose theorem provers for certain fragments of logic. We call these specialized procedures tactics. These tactics are declared in the TLAPS.tla standard module.

SMT, Zenon and Isabelle

For proving an obligation, the default behaviour of TLAPS is to try three back-ends in succession: SMT, Zenon, and Isa.

If Isabelle does not find a proof, TLAPS reports a failure on this obligation. If you want to change the default timeouts and/or tactics, you can use the following backend identifiers.

BY ZenonT(30) Modifying Zenon timeout.
BY Isa Calling directly Isabelle with default tactic and timeout.
BY IsaT(60) Modifying Isabelle timeout.
BY IsaM("blast") Modifying Isabelle tactic.
BY IsaMT("blast",60) Modifying Isabelle timeout and tactic.

SMT solvers

Note: the Z3 solver is distributed with TLAPS. If you want to use CVC4 you have to download and install it from CVC4. Please check that you are allowed to install a version according to the licensing conditions of these solvers, and make sure that the executables are in your $PATH.

The SMT backend identifier invokes the baseline SMT solver. By default this is the Z3 solver, but you can change it to call any SMT solver that can read SMT-LIB format (version 2) input and can handle linear integer and real reasoning. In order to invoke this backend alone (without falling back to Zenon or Isabelle), use the SMT or SMTT identifiers in a USE or BY clause.

BY SMT Call baseline SMT solver with default timeout of 5 seconds.
BY SMTT(60) Call baseline SMT solver with a different timeout.

In order to invoke Z3 explicitly, use the Z3 or Z3T identifiers in a USE or BY clause.

BY Z3 Call Z3 backend with default timeout of 5 seconds.
BY Z3T(60) Call Z3 with a different timeout.

In order to invoke CVC4, use the CVC4 or CVC4T identifiers in a USE or BY clause (but remember that CVC4 is not distributed with TLAPS).

BY CVC4 Call CVC4 backend with default timeout of 5 seconds.
BY CVC4T(60) Call CVC4 with a different timeout.

If you want to change the baseline SMT solver, you have three options.

  • First option: change the baseline SMT solver only for the current run of TLAPS. To do this, give the --solver command-line option to tlapm with the solver's command line (described below) as argument, surrounded by single quotes. If you use the ToolBox, you have to click on "Launch Prover" to give that argument (see Advanced options). The option and argument would be entered in the text box as follows:
    solvertext box contents
    CVC4--solver 'cvc4 -L smt "$file"'
    Z3 (Windows)--solver 'z3 /smt2 "$file"'
    Z3 (Linux, MacOS)--solver 'z3 -smt2 "$file"'
  • Second option: permanently change the baseline SMT solver via a ToolBox setting. This is done by going to the File menu, choosing the Preferences item, then in the dialog box, under TLA+ Preferences > TLAPS > Additional Preferences, enter a command line in the SMT Solver text box. This command line should run your SMT solver on a SMT-LIB file, with "$file" in place of the file name. Here are a few examples:
    solvercommand line
    CVC4cvc4 -L smt "$file"
    Z3 (Windows)z3 /smt2 "$file"
    Z3 (Linux, MacOS)z3 -smt2 "$file"
  • Third option: permanently change the baseline SMT solver via an environment variable. This is done by setting the TLAPM_SMT_SOLVER environment variable to be the command line described above. For example, under Linux you should add the line
    export TLAPM_SMT_SOLVER='cvc4 -lang smt2 "$file"'
    to your shell's startup file (.bashrc).